Freemium benefits, user onboarding, and PMF

Why couldn't the bicycle stand up by itself?

Because it was two-tired.

šŸ”„ Welcome to PLG Recap of TheProductLed šŸ”„

I spend all week deep diving into the best PLG LinkedIn posts so you don't have to.

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Here are my favorite PLG posts of the week.

1ļøāƒ£ Elena Verna - Building a free user base & investing in them are the key to realizing the true cost of freemium benefits

"Freemium is a business strategy, not a conversion rate optimization tactic."

- Elena

2ļøāƒ£ Andrew Capland - Giving users more control over their onboarding journey is a big key in preventing 30-40% drops in new accounts within minutes after signing up

"In my experience, most SaaS products lose 30-40% of new accounts after the first 7 minutes."


3ļøāƒ£ Yaakov Carno - Beautifully put, onboarding does not start when a user signs up. Check out Yaakov's PLG onboarding series!

"As product builders and marketers, it's crucial to keep this in mind and guide the user toward the problems your product solves for them, and how it provides value to their life or business as early as possible."

- Yaakov

4ļøāƒ£ Leah Tharin - Framework for PMF using strategy, innovation, and opportunity sizing. A must-read for those looking to understand PMF from a high level with actionable steps.

"I know from advising individuals and companies in the past years that these are the 3 main areas where people struggle. Itā€™s not for lack of effort, there is confusion on where to even start."

- Leah

5ļøāƒ£ John Cutler - 12 incredibly useful prompts for product leaders to help surface strategic assumptions, remove bias, and ultimately set a clear direction moving forward.

If you know any PLG LinkedIn creators who should be added, refer them here!

See you next time on TheProductLed PLG Recap!

Thanks for reading! -Drew

drew teller


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